Application Season Now Open!
If you're a senior (or the parent or guardian of a senior) in California, you're probably finding yourself in the middle of the application onslaught. With UC and CSU applications due at the end of November, now is the time to get going on those applications. For your UC applications, you'll need to write thoughtful, insightful essays, and these take some time, especially if you're applying to one of the more selective UC schools and need to make yourself stand out among the avalanche of applications they receive. Applications for the California State University are pretty straightforward, asking for just your high school coursework, GPA, test scores and a short section on extracurricular activities. Even with the CSU applications, however, don't leave it until the last minute - there may be a glitch in the process, or you might find you need more information and you want to give yourself plenty of time to complete the application accurately.
Although many schools not in the California public university system have later deadlines (January or even beyond), it's good to get your application in as early as possible. Even though procrastination may seem like a better option in the midst of all your homework and UC/CSU applications, there are several reasons to get your application in early, even if the deadline isn't for awhile. Some schools in the Western Undergraduate Exchange program (see my former post on expanding your options) only offer the WUE tuition rate to a certain number of students, and once these spots are filled, the WUE rate is no longer available, forcing students to pay the much higher out-of-state tuition rate. Many schools also offer their institutional financial aid on a first come, first served basis. So putting off your application could quite literally cost you big.
Finally, if you are not yet a senior, this is a good time to start thinking about where you want to apply, so you can avoid all the craziness (Ok, Probably not all, but at least some of the craziness) of senior year. Freshman and sophomores should continue working on their long list - all the colleges they are potentially interested in, while juniors should start narrowing down their list to the 5-10 schools they will apply to. By determining a preliminary list now (though of course it will probably change at least a little), you can create a timeline when all applications are due, and when the application window opens. Remember, applying early could result in greater scholarship and financial aid opportunities. You can also start entering info for CSU on the csumentor website - then when it comes time to apply next year, you'll have a good part of the application already done.
So fire up those computers, and let the applications begin!